Juan Grisstraat 44
1328 KA Almere
Nieuwstraat 5A
3743 BK Baarn
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 9A
1406 SG Bussum
Philitelaan 59
5617 AK Eindhoven
Oude Graafseweg 62
6543 PS Nijmegen
Vroesenpad 30039 (at Sportpark Blijdorp)
3039 MC Rotterdam
Wijde Kerkstraat 5
3011 GE Rotterdam
Achtergracht 66A
1381 BP Weesp
Hogeweg 65
5301 LJ Zaltbommel
We believe in the power of storytelling, and through these shared experiences, we hope to inspire others to embark on their own unique journeys. So, take a moment to explore the genuine accounts of our members and discover how The Kickboxing Society has not only shaped bodies but also touched hearts and forged lasting friendships.