How can I become a member?
You can register by leaving all your details and choosing a membership via our website. You can of course do this after taking a trial lesson with one of our trainers.
Can I pause my membership?
Every member is allowed to pause their membership for a maximum of 8 weeks per year, regardless of the reason. This is a service we offer because we understand how important flexibility is sometimes. If you are injured and have a doctor’s note or are pregnant, we can pause your membership for a longer period of time, this can be done in consultation.

To start the pause, e-mail us with your name and the location where you are a member. Include the start and end date of the desired pause. Your membership will automatically become active again after that date, and you can come and train with us again. You will not receive any direct debits during the paused period. This is unless the invoice was already in progress before requesting the break. We cannot stop this and it will be collected. Invoices that have already been paid sometimes include days that fall within the break. These days will be automatically settled as a credit after the break. Please note: the end date of your contract will shift as well, and pausing with retroactive effect is not possible.
Do I have a notice period for termination of the contract?
If you have completed the duration of your chosen membership, the notice period for a monthly membership is one full calendar month. With a 4-week membership, the notice period is a full period of four weeks.
If you terminate your contract, you will complete the remaining period of the current four weeks, while your subscription will then continue until the end of the following four weeks.
Can I Introduce someone?
Yes you can. Let us know which class you want to take and the name of the person you want to introduce and we will register them for the class.

Wanneer je binnen The Kickboxing Society te maken krijgt met pesten, seksuele intimidatie, discriminatie of agressie, kun je contact opnemen met onze vertrouwenspersoon.

Wat zijn de taken van een vertrouwenspersoon?

De vertrouwenspersoon is er onder meer voor het opvangen, begeleiden en ondersteunen van werknemers en leden, het analyseren van voorvallen en adviseren hierover.

Strikte vertrouwelijkheid

Duidelijk zal zijn dat het in alle gevallen gaat om delicate kwesties die op een juiste manier moeten worden opgelost. De vertrouwenspersoon behandelt alle hulpvragen in strikte vertrouwelijkheid. Er wordt pas actie ondernomen als de melder daarmee instemt.

Je kunt telefonisch of per mail contact opnemen of een afspraak maken met Maaike van Hienen. Zij is aanwezig op: maandag – dinsdag – donderdag – vrijdag.

Telefoon: 085 401 08 64